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Alcohol rehab is the process of helping individuals overcome their physical and psychological addiction to alcohol. During this process, the individual will go through three different stages of treatment: detox, counseling and follow-up aftercare. Each one of the processes is designed to treat a different component of addiction – physical, psychological and the social aspects of the condition. Alcohol rehab is a powerful, effective way to break the cycle of alcohol addiction. A good alcohol rehab program gets to the heart of why a person has become addicted to alcohol to begin with and treats these issues, as well, which is the source of the alcohol addiction.

The primary element of alcohol rehab is the detox period - this is the initial part of the recovery process. Detox involves stopping the consumption of alcohol and giving the body the time it needs to cleanse itself of the harmful toxins associated with alcohol. During this process, the individual may experience a series of withdrawal symptoms. People who know in advance what to expect from alcohol rehab tend to do better because they are more at ease. The following information is meant to provide an overview of what to expect from most facilities, but keep in mind that all programs are different. However, these steps will apply in one way or another to almost all of them.

Admissions: The admissions process is the first step upon entering an alcohol rehab facility. This is where a admissions professional asks questions about the individual’s background and explains, in detail, how the program works. The individual is free to ask questions about the program and what they are about to experience.

Detox: Before any individual can start receiving care as part of the core alcohol rehab program, they must first go through alcohol detox. This procedure allows harmful alcohol toxins to leave the body. This process is often accompanied by uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, which is why there is a medical or counseling professional on hand to help the individual through it.

Counseling: Individual and group counseling are an vital part of the alcohol rehab process. This is where recovering addicts can work with counselors and their peers to cut to the heart of their problem and learn strategies for staying sober. Alcoholism is a psychological addiction as much as it is a physical one, and counseling helps address this component of the illness.

Aftercare: When an individual leaves alcohol rehab, they are still likely to face challenges in terms of maintaining their sobriety. Distractions and temptations are everyday occurrences. Aftercare programs such as 12-step meetings, follow-up counseling and sober living help the individual make that transition back into daily life as smooth as possible.

There are two primary types of alcohol rehab program: outpatient and inpatient. An outpatient program has the individual attending alcohol addiction treatment during the day, and then returning home in the evening to be with their families. With inpatient care the individual moves into the alcohol rehab facility for round-the-clock care.


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